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Enrollment at Eagle NV



For Upcoming year (SY 2024-2025) Grades K-6

Enrollment Policy

Open Enrollment Period (School Year 2024-2025)

A lottery will be held after the Open Enrollment period if the number of student enrollments exceeds space available. Families will be notified via email or phone of their child’s acceptance into Eagle Charter Schools. Enrolling students will fill remaining space on a first-come, first-served basis. If the grade level is already at capacity, students will be placed on an ordered waiting list.

Please call: 702-550-2876; or email: office@eagleschoolsnv.org for more information.

Enrollment Priority

In accordance with our mission, Eagle’s incoming students will receive enrollment priority as ordered below. Each category is a “bucket” that must be empty before enrolling students from the next preference category.

  • check Pupils that are siblings of currently enrolled students
  • check Pupils that are children of currently employed Eagle staff
  • check Pupils that are children of Governing Board members
  • check Pupils who are homeless
  • check Pupils whose most recent enrollment was in a public school which received an annual rating established as one of the two lowest ratings possible indicating underperformance at the elementary, middle or high school level pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools.
  • check Pupils in Clark County
  • check Pupils in Nevada

If Eagle Charter Schools has sufficient capacity to enroll all students in a priority category, no lottery is needed for that category. If the school only has enough open seats to enroll some of the students in a particular priority category, then all students in that category are subject to a lottery. The lottery is run on a grade level basis beginning with the lowest grade with available seats. If open enrollment is not active, students will be placed at the bottom of their prioritized category on the waiting list.


State law requires that a student entering Kindergarten must be five(5) years old by the first day of school. A first-grader must be six(6) years old by the first day of school.  NRS 392.040 (2)(5).


After you have been notified that your student is enrolled, the registration process needs to be completed. Eagle Nevada will reach out with specific instructions. As a preview, Parents/Guardians will need to provide:

Guardian ID
Examples: driver’s license, picture identification, passport

Proof of Address
One item proving your address, such as a recent utility bill (must include “service address” on the bill!), rent receipt, residential lease or mortgage document/contract. If you are living with a friend or relative due to economic hardship, you must bring a notarized statement signed by you and the owner/renter of the property indicating that it is your place of residence. If you do not have the above documentation, please call the City of Las Vegas Homeless Education Program at 702-229-7529 or contact the school.

  • check  Legal guardianship paperwork (if necessary)
  • check  Student ID
  • check  Generally the student’s birth certificate
  • check  Student immunization record
  • check  Up-to-date medical records indicating that your child has had, or at least started, the following series of immunizations:
  • check  Minimum of 4 DTap/DTP doses; Final dose must be on or after the 4th birthday.
  • check  Minimum of 3 Polio doses; Final dose must be on or after the 4th birthday.
  • check  Two MMR doses; 1st dose must be on or after the 1st birthday. 1st and 2nd dose must be separated by at least 28 days.
  • check  One Tdap dose; A child enrolling in 7th grade is required to have 1 Tdap (Bordetella Pertussis) regardless of when the last Tetanus (Td) was given. The < 5 year rule since the last Tetanus no longer applies.
  • check  Two Hepatitis A doses; 2nd dose must be given at least 6 months after the 1st dose. (Required for students new to Nevada or District after July 1, 2002.)
  • check  Three Hepatitis B doses; Must have a minimum of 4 months between 1st and 3rd dose and > 6 months old when 3rd dose was given. (Required for students new to Nevada or District after July 1, 2002.)
  • check  Two Chicken Pox (Varicella) doses; 1st dose on or after 1st birthday. 1st and 2nd dose must be separated by at least 28 days if age 13 years of age or older. Minimum interval of 3 months between doses 1 and 2 if age is less than 13 years. (Required for students new to Nevada or District after July 2, 2011). Or Physician verification of past disease for Varicella vaccine exemption.


Eagle Nevada is committed to providing an equal opportunity education to all applicants without regard to race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability or any other protected status in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. (NRS 388A.453(6) & NAC 388A.538)

"...laying the groundwork for a future full of promise for all students."
"...offering imaginative opportunities for creative exploration"
"...fosters creativity and problem-solving skills"
© 2024 Eagle Charter Schools of Neveda, Inc