Eagle Charter Schools of Nevada Logo


Our Mission

Eagle NV is committed to empowering all students, irrespective of location or ethnicity, by providing a dynamic, inclusive learning environment that fosters creativity and problem-solving skills. Our holistic approach emphasizes cognitive, social, and emotional growth, with a focus on core content areas.

We enrich the learning experience through daily activities, differentiated classroom instruction, and technology integration. Through purposeful Social Emotional Learning and supportive frameworks like MTSS and PBIS, we ensure individual needs are met, nurturing confident, collaborative learners with a joy for lifelong learning.

Eagle NV is dedicated to laying the groundwork for a future full of promise for all students, by cultivating a vibrant and stimulating learning environment that nurtures creativity and problem-solving skills.

Our focus is on holistic growth, encompassing cognitive, social, and emotional development, as we actively involve children in an inclusive learning ecosystem.

Our mission is anchored in the firm conviction that every student, regardless of geographical location or ethnicity, is entitled to a high-quality education. This belief shapes our teaching approach, our day-to-day activities, and the overall classroom experience.

At Eagle, students work collectively as a class, in small groups, and engage in independent learning activities. We create an atmosphere of joyful learning by offering imaginative opportunities for creative exploration. We lay a strong emphasis on core content areas and provide students with enrichment activities daily. Through small group rotations and personalized instruction, we ensure differentiated learning. Additional support is offered through various 'push in' services, allowing us to cater to students at different academic levels equally.

From the moment our elementary students start their day with a breakfast accompanied by music and interactive Smartboard displays, to structured class instructions transitioning into small group discussions, the learning process is thoughtfully designed. Group formations are guided by exit tickets, teacher observations, continuous AIMS-Web progress monitoring, and NWEA MAP assessment results.

We deliberately incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into our curriculum to bolster student confidence, foster collaboration, and encourage positive goal-setting. Within this diverse learning environment, students use Chromebooks for individual tasks, interact collectively with Smartboards via their devices, and participate in small group activities using various learning strategies. Our inclusive approach is further complemented by a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), seamlessly addressing each student's unique needs.


We believe in investing in the entire child. Our students will have a strong academic foundation and also become confident individuals with positive self-esteem.

A student’s social and emotional development is just as critical as their cognitive growth, and our SEL curriculum will be incorporated into every student’s daily academic routine in order to achieve this high level of cognitive growth.

Community and family involvement complement our commitment to developing the entire student and are critically important to our vision; we pride ourselves in being “parent advocates” and supporting parents in their personal and professional development as we work together as partners in order to provide the highest level of education possible to each student.

Content knowledge is necessary, but no longer sufficient, to be successful in our constantly-connected and ever-shrinking world. Students at Eagle need to be respectful, effective communicators, creative problem solvers, critical and reflective thinkers, self-directed and life-long learners, and proficient users of technology.

Our school and staff will provide students with a safe and secure learning environment so that they will take advantage of a wide variety of resources and learning strategies. When our scholars leave Eagle, the goal is for all to be technologically literate students who demonstrate high-order thinking skills.

Eagle scholars will be intrinsically motivated to achieve success as mathematical thinkers, proficient readers and writers, explorers of scientific inquiry, and creators and appreciators of the arts. This positions our students to continue taking ownership over their education as they progress through secondary school and to college and/or their career.

Many of the careers our students will embrace at age 18, 22, or 26 don’t yet exist, so it is our task to ensure that students are equipped with both the academic and the technological skills necessary to be successful in a dynamic, global marketplace.


The key components of our model include personalized and differentiated instruction complete with a robust Multi-Tiered System of Supports, a commitment to incorporating social and emotional learning throughout our academic program for all students, and outreach and support for parents as we involve them in their student’s education.


The success of Eagle will be measured via a variety of goals, including goals for academic success, Social-Emotional Learning, and parent involvement.

Our academic goals recognize that incoming students may be several years behind grade level. Our target for students is to either close this achievement gap by demonstrating 1.5+ years of growth annually or by demonstrating grade level proficiency and out-performing the comparative District schools by 20%. Our academic goals are purposefully analyzed and evaluated by subgroup so that students from traditionally underserved subgroups (low income, Special Education, ELL, minority, and academically at risk) are specifically monitored and supported.

Our commitment to developing the whole child is reinforced by including SEL goals with our academic goals. Student attendance and reduced discipline incidents will be the metrics we use to gauge the effectiveness of our SEL program.

Eagle knows that involved, informed, and engaged parents are hugely beneficial to the growth and development of our students. Parent involvement and engagement is measured as a reflection of our success as a campus.

Eagle’s academic model is centered on differentiated instruction, tiers of support, and the inclusion of social and emotional education within the core curriculum. By using data to inform instruction, purposefully identifying and reflecting on best practices, and educating students on the correct academic and emotional level, Eagle’s scholars will have the opportunity to grow to their fullest potential. These results are possible because our collective leadership team (including the Committee to Form, our CMO (Eagle Charter Schools, Inc., and key staff members)) has a demonstrated track record of success and is directly aligned with the mission of Eagle. All students are deserving of high quality educational options and how quickly a student learns something is not the determining factor in how ultimately capable that student is.

Our leadership team shares this common set of values, and these are the same values we will be looking for when building the rest of our team at Eagle. A charter school must have as its stated purpose at least one of the goals set forth in NRS 388A.246. The six statutory purposes are:

  1. (a) Improving the academic achievement of pupils;
  2. Encouraging the use of effective and innovative methods of teaching;
  3. Providing an accurate measurement of the educational achievement of pupils;
  4. Establishing accountability and transparency of public schools;
  5. Providing a method for public schools to measure achievement based upon the performance of the schools; and
  6. Creating new professional opportunities for teachers.
  7. Eagle will fulfill all six of these statutory goals; we have selected “a” and “d” as our top two formal, stated purposes. “Improving the academic achievement of pupils” and “Establishing accountability and transparency of public schools” are the purposes of Eagle.

"...laying the groundwork for a future full of promise for all students."
"...offering imaginative opportunities for creative exploration"
"...fosters creativity and problem-solving skills"
© 2024 Eagle Charter Schools of Neveda, Inc